

The newshd.net site is a public utility service entirely funded by the Italian Huntington’s Chorea Association (AICH-Roma ) ONLUS, located at Via Nomentana,56 – 00161 in Rome (Italy).

Established in 1989, AICH-Roma ONLUS is a national lay organization concerning individuals and families affected by Huntington’s Disease, a severe, neurodegenerative, genetic disease, still incurable.

AICH-Roma ONLUS counts approximately 800 associates and 15 volunteers including several medical and paramedical professionals, clinicians and researchers . It is the referring point of about 5000 individuals among patients, at risk family members and presymptomatic gene-carriers from all over the Country. AICH-Roma ONLUS is enrolled in the official Register of voluntary associations.

AICH-Roma ONLUS aims are:

–          Create a support network  for psychosocial assistance of patients and their families;

–          Provide accurate information to patients and family members;

–          Raise doctors’ awareness of individual and family problems created by the disease;

–          Raise society understanding of human experience of HD

The newshd.net  site project  as such is neither supported by private sponsors nor receives government funding. Any ads or paid listings are clearly marked and the revenues obtained through the inclusion of banner ads are used to support activities and projects of AICH-Roma.

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General Terms of Use

No responsibility is taken either for any content published on the site or the use that third parties can do of it, or possible contamination resulting from the inside-connection, the downloading of documents and computer programs from the site. Therefore, AICH-Roma ONLUS will not be held responsible under any kind of damage, loss and prejudice of any kind that third parties may suffer due to contact with this site or from the use of the materials published as well as the software used.

The information on this site may contain technical or typographical errors. AICH-Roma ONLUS reserves the right to make changes at any time and without notice in order to introduce corrections and improvements to such information, products and programs.

The translations in the various languages are automatic and not always true use is at the discretion of the user

AICH-Roma ONLUS reserves the right to terminate or suspend at any time the functionality of the site.

The newshd.net site includes links to other sites of third parties deemed interesting  to the visitors. By linking to these sites, you will leave this site for free choice and you will access to a site, owned by third parties, for whose content AICH-Roma ONLUS can not be held responsible. The information contained at sites not directly managed, which are provided only as reference, may not be in line with the provisions of Dec. Legsv.541/92 which regulates the advertising of medicinal products for human use but this information is totally independent and beyond the control of AICH-Roma ONLUS that do not accept any responsibility in this regard.

In the newshd.net site personal information will be asked you only in case this information is necessary to identify or contact you. Any information voluntarily provided to the site by third parties will result in treatment by AICH-Roma ONLUS as holder in accordance with the regulations contained in Dec. Legsv. 196/03 (Privacy Protection Act).

Information about contents

Using the newshd.net site you agree to comply with the terms and conditions of use and navigation defined below.

The information provided in this site  are not medical advice. Under no circumstances this information replace a consultation, a visit or a diagnosis made by a physician. The information  available in the site should not be used for making a diagnosis, determining a treatment, assuming/suspending a drug without consulting a general practitioner or a specialist. The use of the information available so it is not  under  the responsibility, control and discretion of the user only.

The site is in no way responsible for the content, information, products and services offered by the sites to which it is connected by links from aichroma.com

The user is responsible for safeguarding the password that is assigned for access to the site and login. The site can not be held responsible for the use of your password and login by third parties.

Terms of use of “Question&Answers”

In addition to the General Terms of Use of the site it is useful to recall what follows.

The “Question&Answers” service is completely free of charge.

The response service via e-mail and the forum do not provide medical advice that replace the advice of a doctor and do not in any way constitute a medical examination at a distance.

Time for response is variable and depends on the number of questions received in the period, on how many users pose similar questions and on the educational relevance of the question.

Where personal advice is provided regarding diagnosis, therapy, interpretation of laboratory data, that response must be considered as purely indicative, provided for informational  purposes only, and does not replace your doctor’s opinion.  Always consult your doctor in case of symptoms or illness.

The newshd.net site is a collection of articles from other sources reproduced with their permission and contains links to other sites. For these reasons it is not updated periodically but only on the base of availability of the material. Therefore, it can not be considered in any way an editorial product under L. N° 62, 03/07/2001.


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The news are found through magazines or news agencies, AICH-Roma is not connected to the reviewed sites and is not responsible for their content.

Aichroma.com reserves the right to amend the provisions governing the terms of use.



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